It has been a sad and unfortunate couple of weeks here at Fusebox and Empressr. One of our own Jimmy has fallen very ill. Many of my friends have met him in some respect or other, he was at SXSW he was at the latest Web 2.0 in San Francisco, a city he loves, and has been a true catalyst in the development of the business for both Fusebox and Expressr.
I learned last weekend that Jimmy had a stroke!! at only 38 years old it was not only shocking but heartbreaking, knowing his love for life and love for people. This had a profound impact on my own life. I guess you can say fortunately for him, his stroke only effected his left leg and to a minor extent other motor actions of his left side. I visited him in his hospital room last Tuesday and his sprits were high, a little confused why something like this would happen to him. Yesterday he was moved to a rehab center, not an Amy Winehouse sorta rehab but one that will get him walking and moving like he once did. I feel great sadness for these events and wish him the world and hope for a speedy recovery.
I know and understand the frailty of life from what happened to me two years ago that event like this changes your life in more ways that you can possibly think. Sometimes it takes a radical event like a stroke or what had happened to me to realize that life is way too short and should be lived every day, there is no waiting for tomorrow, cause tomorrow may not be there. I will support Jimmy in his decisions as he embarks on this new chapter of his life and I hope that he decides to remain part of the Fusebox Empressr family, no matter where he ends up. Much love, and get well soon.
I saw Jimmy today, he looks great and is getting around albeit, slowly, but in good spritis.
Hope Jimmy recovers quickly. Life is fragile for sure. Stories life this motivate me to make change in my lifestyle.