I was sitting at my favorite lunch and dinner spot in Montauk, 668 The Gig Shack, when I saw, and heard dozens of firetrucks racing down Main Street heading east, I wondered what was going on but continued to work on my blog post about being an entrepreneur at 46. About a half hour later I saw a HazMatt truck go by, now my interest was peaked. So I grabbed Lew, one of the owners of the Gig Shack and we went to look for the incident.
We drove to the point, then out to the tip of lake Montauk on East Lake Drive, where the Airport is, thinking the HazMatt truck meant either a fishing boat crashed or a plane crashed. We turned the bend near the Airport and traffic was lined up, we jumped out (literally, you have to jump out of the land Cruiser) and went on foot to see the crash. Apparently the plane overshot the runway and then braked hard, seeing that it was going to broadside a camper turned hard right just clipping the camper and a tree. The pilot and passenger walked away just being shook up.
A little excitement in Montauk.