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Blog: Empressr
My Empressr PicsShow from Web 2.0 Expo Week
Lot's of great people at #w2e, I know I didn't gets shots of many of you. Till next time...
This is My Favorite Empressr of the Week
Empressr v.5 Launches
After many months of redesign the core media engine, we released it to the public yesterday. w00t! lots of new…
Get your storytelling on
Ernest Hemingway once claimed he could write a great story in six words or less. Some claim it was a…
Hey Nominate Empressr for a Crunchie!
Hey please give us, Empressr, your vote for the best web application for 2008. Thanks, stay tuned for some exciting…
Heading West for Some Empressr Stuff
UPDATE: use this link to save $300 off the conference price First stop is Office 2.0 Conference, one of my…
I have to Admit
I do shoot a lot of sunsets and sunrises, but rarely ever publish them, so here is a rare beauty…
A touching story
Global Citizen aka Mike Davis while taking a break from his globe trotting, spent some time creating a heart touching…
I gotta Hack College Hoodie and You Didn’t :)
Thanks to Kelly and Chris at
Empressr Sponsors Hack College
Kelly worked for me (Empressr) at our booth at SXSW during the interactive festival. He totally killed it! I just…
My submission for web2.0expo New York
Away 3d
Away 3d creates a killer 3d Flash engine that we use in Empressr for the 3d transitions, it totally rocks.…
does this design work?
I'm about to send this to print for SXSW, Would you wear this t-shirt?
Empressr in Times Square
Empressr will have a brief moment of big lights big city today when we will be on the MTV 44.5…
Empressr and Me,
heading to San Francisco
Empressr is heading back out on the road, first stop is at VizThink conference in San Francisco. This time I'm…
Office 2008 first look
Oh Shit! that's all I have to say, well maybe this sucks, or maybe what the fuck were they thinking...…
Empressr v3 is Live
After almost a year of development it's live, not perfect, but very cool. We will be working over the next…
Empressr Private Beta Signup
We are a week or two away from inviting the first users to test out the new Flex based Composr…
Flash Forward Trade Show
Thursday Morning 014
FF_Trade Show Thursday Morning 014, originally uploaded by ldeener27. Another pic of me this Time at The Flash Forward Conference…
Empressr booth at
Office 2.0 conference
IMG_0291, originally uploaded by Stephanie et Sebastien. I just came across this image, cool! It's rare that I see myself…
Zivity Girls and Me
Zivity Girls and Me, originally uploaded by Bryan Thatcher. At Techcrunch40