Blog: travel
The Cityscapes of Monaco
My week of strolling and climbing many steps of Monaco. A beautiful city but somewhat exhausting to get around, 112,000…Flashback to October 2008 a working lunch #fbf
Working at Amsterdam's Cafe Batavia 1920 with @Werner, @Marlooz and @Globalcitizen, good times. Hard to believe that was 9 years…Light Painting from above JFK
As we circled the airport on approach to JFK, kinda surrealBeautiful sky today looking over Queens while on my way to JFK
- Posted using MobyPicture.comFounder Institute fall/winter sessions
Excited for the the new semester of the Founder Institute. I'll be mentoring 10 sessions in 4 cities, the first…Get with the program folks
Airport security my be an oxymoron, I wonder all the time if the inconvenience is actually worth it. But so…